The Top Ten CSR Reports Of 2019

Everyone’s doing top ten of everything around about this time, so how may I not interact the fun? Well, the picture is got by you. So I reverted to the other thing I know most about: CSR reports. CSR Reports is a heterogeneous breed and it’s really extremely difficult to compare or rank them, every year despite the several CSR Statement tournaments and awards that occur.

I don’t remember seeing one single dominant strategy which evaluates CSR Reports in a comprehensive way. Each award or competition has its own requirements or judging panel. Usually the content of the report gets evaluated alongside the presentation of this content, which confuses things just a little. You might have a good tale but tell it badly, or vise versa. Either real way, this makes it even harder to tickbox a rating for reports.

Often, it could just be a subjective evaluation predicated on things which are not always equivalent. You can see a full list of the reports I’ve reviewed (it’s almost up to date!) on my website here. The overall winner in my own 25 detailed reviews in 2010 2010 was Dow Chemicals 2009 GRI Report (see my review here). Danisco 2009/2010 Sustainability Report: That is an award-winning record which I blogged about here and which covers indirect influences and sustainability framework commendably, delivering a credible survey, including open up dialogue of issues and troubles.

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2009 Sustainability Report : This survey always sticks in my own brain as an entirely creative, credible totally, brief, readable, persuasive account of how this small company takes on table sustainability principles. This is what I wrote about any of it in on the ole blog. If you thought a one-pager statement was a non-starter, AHA proves you wrong. Impahla Clothing of South Africa Sustainability Report 2009: Each Impahla report is preferable to the prior one and though the first two were outstanding, this one is even outstanding. A small, privately-owned garment manufacturer in South Africa teaches us all how to create an honest, balanced, credible report thoroughly. With this third production, all 176 employees are photographed.

What an inspired strategy! Campbell Soup Sustainability Report 2010: An excellent report with a clear concept, which operates well through all the areas and makes it clear that company has a cultural mission and it is aligned to deliver it. Bold colors, bold activities, and vibrant goals. The survey is also well supported by outstanding social media engagement led by the CSR register @dstangis who keeps one of the top places as an inspiring innovator inside our community of sustainability professionals.

Westpac Bank Annual Review and Sustainability Report 2010: Westpac is definitely an outstanding reporter and, for a financial business, This bank or investment company is believed by me will the perfect job of getting the sustainability message through in this semi-integrated record. SAP Sustainability Report 2009: Whilst I really do have reservations about totally online reporting, I cannot exclude SAP out of this top ten line-up.