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  • To have good methods of communication
  • Storage and Transfer of Personal Information. Consent
  • Animated images
  • Am I willing to defend myself against new challenges and problem resolving
  • How is the task going to get done, while we take part in “change making” etc

Organizations more and more see variety as a driver of technology. These multifaceted problems require trans-disciplinary solutions. While throughout the 20th century, ever-greater specialty area was encouraged, another century will see trans-disciplinary strategies take center stage. The ideal worker of another decade is “T-shaped”-they bring deep knowledge of at least one field, but have the capacity to converse in the language of the broader range of disciplines.

This requires a sense of attention and a determination to be on learning considerably beyond the many years of formal education. Workers of the future will need to become adept at recognizing the type of thinking that different tasks require, and making modifications to their work environments that enhance their ability to perform these tasks.

A world abundant with information channels in multiple forms and from multiple devices brings the issue of cognitive overload to the fore. The next generation of workers will have to develop their own techniques for tackling the nagging problem of cognitive overload, effectively capture the sign from sound. Definition: ability to work productively, drive engagement, and demonstrate existence as a member of a virtual team.

Work is not the place you go, but the mission/ task you accomplish. Connective technologies make it easier than ever to work, share ideas and become effective despite physical parting. But the virtual work environment demands a new group of competencies also. Workers in the foreseeable future should be adaptable lifelong learners..

Future is not so a long way away, as matter of truth, part of future here is already. To be successful in the next decade, individuals should demonstrate foresight in navigating a shifting landscape of organizational forms and skill requirements rapidly, cultivate the abilities to adapt to the future. And businesses must also be aware of the changing environment and adjust their workforce planning and development strategies to ensure positioning with future skill requirements.